Who's the membership for?

The Bloom-Print Membership is a community for florists and event suppliers ready to GET SERIOUS about their business, push further with their goals and set up a business that works for you instead of you working for it.

What does the membership include?

The Bloom-Print Membership exists to build the business of your creative desires into something that rewards your soul AND your bank account! Combining business support with mindset support and a treasure trove of tried and tested tools, templates, video resources and recipes. We’re giving you the Bloom-Print to success and we cannot wait to watch you flourish. The Membership includes 4 key components: - Content Vault, - 2 x live calls/month, - On demand support via the Community, - Discounts on in training/support.

Business Support

  • 2 Live Calls Per Month

    1 x live lesson per month – presented by The Floral Art Academy Director Elysia Tsangarides, or a guest subject matter expert to provide advice and strategies for elements of your business. 1 x group mastermind call per month – where each Bloom-Print member has the opportunity to ask questions relating to their specific business and receive input and advise to move the needle forward.

  • On Demand Support via Community

    A community page of like minded business owners where specific questions can be asked at any time and answered with relation to your business, we can celebrate each other’s business wins and support through any struggles.

  • Discounts on additional training/support

    10% discount on any in person Perth based classes and courses and on any additional 1:1 mentoring packages, 1:1 floral training as a Bloom-Print member.

Introductory offer pricing

For the next 30 days (20 July - 20 Aug) you have access to our INTRODUCTORY OFFER PRICING of $1300 annually or $110/month on a 12 month payment plan. From 21 August - price will increase to $1500/year or $125/month on the 12 month payment plan. Don't miss the opportunity to jump in on a great deal!


what your business could look like after 12 months of having...

Someone to bounce your business questions off of whenever you came across a road block? 

A vault of lessons and knowledge to draw from to get your business foundations right from the beginning?

Someone in your corner to offer advice and support when shit feels real?

A community of likeminded business owners who can become your broader network to connect with?

A coach who will give you the push you need and the support you crave to take your business to the next level? 

A plan and a strategy to actually set, map and achieve your goals?

  All of that - and more - in The Bloom-Print Membership!

Who is El?

Hey there beautiful human,

I’m Elysia - affectionately known as El. In a highball, I’m two parts creativity, one part process driven, garnished with a heavy grating of enthusiasm (and I’m #notsorry).

This time 8 years ago, I was not a florist. Far from it. I worked for State Government in Western Australia as a large scale event manager in a strict and very bureaucratic role. Don’t recommend.

I'm not a trained florist, I started my business Maple & Wren initially as an event planning and styling business and when I started delving into floristry - I truly found my art. 

Through a lot of practice, local short courses, workshops, freelancing, YouTube trawling and lets be honest - a lot of trial and error, wedding and event floristry became our main offering. 8 years on and I’ve now floralled over 350 weddings and events, have an ever expanding team and refined our products, our process and our service to the bespoke luxury business it is today.

I’ve been where you are, not knowing where to start and I learnt a lot the hard way by not knowing who I could even ask the questions that I had. 

The kicker though, has been my corporate background. Turns out all that bureaucracy, all of the budget, marketing plans, spreadsheets, run sheets, briefing notes, hazard plans, rosters and timelines - have become my secret sauce in this industry.  

Starting Floral Art  Academy in 2022 to help our floral community redefine luxury floral design in a nurturing and relevant training landscape made me realise just how much more I had to offer in the creative business space. 

That's why I created The Bloom-Print Membership, because I know just how much further you can go with the right systems and processes in place, with the right support precisely when you need it, with a sounding board to bounce off questions instead of stewing in a problem soup you can't seem to climb out of on your own. 

I'm also a huge advocate for 'doing the work'. Over the past 4 years I've been on a huge self development journey, and I became a qualified NLP Practitioner in 2023 because as a small business owner, so many of the roadblocks in business are mindset related and when you iron out your shit - your business flows so much easier!

The Bloom-Print is here to support you on your creative business journey - and so am I!

I can’t wait to see you truly bloom with us!

Get The Bloom-Print!

Join the Membership now